How much does a live scan cost?
How long will the Live Scan fingerprinting take?
IMPORTANT: You must pay the rolling fee in addition to the government fees. You can find government fee pricing HERE.
The live scan fingerprinting process takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Most of our locations do not require an appointment but make sure you check the location of your choice before arriving for hours of service and requirements.
What do I need to bring?
To be live scan fingerprinted you will need to provide the following:
Completed Request for Live Scan Service Form (BCIA 8016) for your specific need
Form of Payment
Valid California Driver’s License or ID Card
If you do not have access to a valid California Driver’s License or ID Card, you will need to provide both a Primary form of ID and a Secondary form of ID as listed below.
ALL forms of identifications must be the original document. No photos or photocopies allowed!
Primary ID
U.S. or foreign passport or passport card
U.S. Military ID
Non-Californian state ID card or driver’s license
Permanent Resident Card
Employment Authorization Card
Federal, state, or local government agency ID card with photograph
Canadian ID card or driver’s license
Secondary ID
State government-issued birth certificate
Social Security Card
Marriage Certificate
U.S. Tribal or Bureau of Indian Affairs Identification Card
Native American Tribal Document
Court Order for Name Change/Gender Change/Adoption/Divorce
U.S. Government Issued Consular Report of Birth Abroad
Draft Record
Certificate of Citizenship
Replacement Certificate of Citizenship
School ID card (ONLY if applicant is under the age of 18 years)
Certificate of Naturalization
Replacement Certificate of Naturalization
How long will it take for my results to be returned to my requested agency?
Your employer, or your organization should receive your live scan results within 7 to 10 days. Your live scan fingerprint results will be sent electronically to the organization that requested you to be fingerprinted. This process usually takes three days or less, but can take up to thirty business days. Capital Live Scan does NOT receive the results of the live scan. Please allow a minimum of seven days before making a status inquiry to the California DOJ.
Applicants should check first with the agency that requested the background review since the California Department of Justice sends results directly to the applicant agency. Requests that require manual processing of criminal history information, such as those involving pre-1945 cases, may also delay the reporting of results.
How do I check the status of my Live Scan fingerprint submission?
To check the status of the live scan finger prints click HERE*
*You will need your ATI number and Date of Birth in order to check the status.
When will I receive my results?
Unless you have completed a record review or other specified type of live scan, you will NOT receive the results of your live scan fingerprints directly. They will be sent to the agency requesting your live scan fingerprints.
How do I request a copy of my California criminal history record?
If an individual wishes to receive a copy of their own California criminal history, they must perform a specific kind of live scan known as a Record Review. To conduct a record review, please do the following:
Fill out the 8016-RR form (link) and bring it with your ID to a live scan location.
Pay a $25 government fee and the rolling fee of the live scan location that is performing your live scan.
Ensure that the address you list on the form is your mailing address and that the fingerprint technician enters your mailing address into the application.
Follow the Office of the Attorney General’s website instructions at the following link: oag.ca.gov/fingerprints/record-review.
IMPORTANT: A Record Review is meant for YOUR eyes or the eyes of an authorized attorney ONLY. Using a Record Review in place of a live scan for an employer or certificate is a misdemeanor and will land you with criminal charges. The Record Review is only to be used to reference previous offenses and dates or in conjunction with an attorney for authorized legal proceedings. DO NOT attempt to use it for purposes outside of these.
How do I request a copy of my federal criminal history record?
If an individual wishes to receive a copy of their own federal criminal history, they must perform what is known as a Departmental Order. To request a copy of your federal record via departmental order, click HERE and follow the directions.
How do I challenge incorrect information on my criminal history record?
If you feel the information contained within your criminal history is incorrect, you may submit a formal challenge to the California Department of Justice only after you have received a copy of your record from the Department. For more information, please contact the California Department of Justice at applicantinfoservices@doj.ca.gov
Can a live scan be used for multiple agencies?
No. If you recently had a live scan done for one agency, such as the purposes of certification, you cannot use the results of that live scan for another agency, such as an employer. Each live scan goes to the agency designated on the form ONLY, and any subsequent requests must be performed newly on an agency-by-agency basis. Attempting to use a live scan report such as a Record Review with multiple agencies in place of doing a new live scan is a misdemeanor and will land you with criminal charges.
I was given a rejection letter, what do I do?
If the California Department of Justice has sent you or your agency a letter indicating that your fingerprints were rejected for poor quality, please follow the steps below.
Fill out a new Request for Live Scan form (BCIA 8016) and fill the OATI field with the Applicant Tracking Identifier (ATI) number listed on the rejection letter.
Bring the completed form, current valid photo ID, and the original Department of Justice rejection letter with you to the live scan location that performed your original live scan application.
You will be re-fingerprinted at no charge.
​Please note: if you choose to go to a live scan location other than where your original rejected live scan was done, you may be charged the rolling fee of the new location.
How does my organization obtain an ORI number from the CA DOJ?
To obtain a California Department of Justice ORI number, please see this short guide for instructions HERE
What is Assembly Bill 506?
Click below links to view​
Where can I find the FD 258 Cards for out-of-state applicants?
FD 258 Cards for our out-of-state applicants can be found here.